November 2022 Missions Update

Dear Partners & Friends,

Greetings!!  I hope all is well with you as you carry out the work that God has for you.  As you receive this, I will be on a missions trip with our neighbors to the South.  Please pray for safe travels and a successful trip as we endeavor to carry God’s will and work to the nations of the world.

For those interested in possibly joining us in Chile for a missions trip towards the end of February, we will be offering a meeting on November 6th at Christian Assembly Church in Ohioville, PA in the back building to offer more information.  ½ of the money is due that week and we will be covering our workload and details for the trip with you.  If you are interested but cannot attend, please notify us at:  330-303-7513 or 724-793-3376.

As we come towards a new year, we want to thank you again for your faithful support / partnership / friendship in the ministry.  Romans 10:13 “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.  How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed?  And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard?  And how shall they hear without a preacher?  

The Bible also says in Deuteronomy 32:30 that one can put 1,000 to flight and 2 can put 10,000 to flight. We are far more powerful as a team working together.  We each have a part to play.  

As we endeavor to take the gospel to the nations, we want you to realize that you as well walking in your giftings are as important as any part of the ministry.  God has raised each person up to take their place within their giftings, to work together to advance the ministry / Name of Jesus Christ to the nations be it through going, sending, praying, sponsoring or however God lays upon their hearts. In September, 4624 souls received Christ as their personal Savior. 

On a side note, if any of you are interested in helping us to purchase a house church in the Central Region of Cuba, we have access to one, the remainder of the funds that need raised are $1,400, this will be a house church of our Central Region Director down there.   

Also, the ministry is still in need of someone to do short videos for us.  If interested, or know someone that might be willing to volunteer or give us a fair price, please let us know.  

The ministry would also like to add / enhance our web-site in order to better reach out and get the gospel out.  The estimated cost is $1,800 – $2,000 to better our web-site which could result in many more souls being saved for the kingdom.  If God would lay something on your heart regarding, it would be much appreciated.  

Google Smile is another option. If you order anything from Amazon, you can go to and order through this link and a portion of your order will go to Bridges for Life Ministries.

Thank-you again for working with us in taking the gospel to the nations of the world,


Will Bridges

Will Bridges

will bridges missionary signature in yellow