September 2022 Missions Update

Partners and Friends,

In 1990 just East of Edinboro, PA, I was praying on a lake at the end of a trailer park (that’s still there).  It had been maybe a couple of hours in and I was just praying what we would call the prayer of consecration.  “God, I don’t know why you saved me but you did.  For that, I give you my life and all that is in it.  I’ll do what you want me to do, be what you want me to be, go where you want me to go.”  I remember even praying: “God, if you want me to live in a tent in Cambodia, I will gladly do it.  I may not choose that life, but if you want me to, I am willing.”  

After a couple of hours, the presence of God fell and I felt like I had an audience with the Lord.  I sensed He was pleased with my heart.  It seemed as if He said to me, “Son if you ask me for anything, I will give it to you.”  

We know Matt 7:7, Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened.  But this seemed to be something way beyond that.  I just sensed He was pleased with my heart.  So I answered, “Lord, it is my heart’s desire to see a million souls saved in my life time.”  I sensed that the Lord was pleased with that as well and said that we would do that and a whole lot more.  Vision was birthed.

Since then, we have been on a relentless pursuit to achieve that goal.  Bible School soon followed, then we began a ministry and traveled throughout the US, then a few years later we began to focus our attention on the mission’s field while traveling in and out of Africa mostly but also some other parts of the world as well. 

In 2005, we began to focus our attention on a closed country here in the Western Hemisphere. There, we took the concept of doing crusades and changed it where we would train and use nationals to win souls and plant churches.  Our vision has been added to but we have always stuck to our main goal of 1,000,000 souls saved.


We are pleased to announce to you today that our original goal of 1,000,000 souls won to the Lord has recently been achieved.  We have endeavored to keep track of every name and to follow up every soul to give them an opportunity for discipleship.  Although the system is not perfect, we strive to ensure that it is as close and sound as it can be.  

Recently, we paid to have every church in the 2 regions that we have been working in to have at least 1 leader in every church if not multiple to conduct follow-up with the newly saved and invite them to a 6-week-discipleship course.  Therefore, every church will have at least the Pastor and 1 leader to visit and invite all the newly saved for discipleship. Between the 2 regions, it is well over 500 churches. 

I cannot tell you it was an easy ride, it was not.  However, God has been faithful, and we continue to strive forward to achieve even greater things in Him.  Once again, from the bottom of our heart, thank you for every dollar sown, every prayer prayed, every hour of volunteer work, etc.  We could not have done it without you.

Please pray for us/for wisdom as we head forward.  Volunteers and partners are always needed.  Please let us know if God lays anything on your heart to help work with us in heading the gospel forward from here. 


Will Bridges

will bridges missionary signature in yellow