October 2022 Missions Update

Partners and Friends,

Greetings in Jesus’ Name! As we begin the fall season, we pray God’s richest and abundant mercy and grace upon you!!!  We hope all is well with you and yours.  If you ever have a need, please contact the ministry for prayer.

In August, the team saw 4,852 souls make decisions for Christ.  As of today, the western region of Cuba is getting hit with a hurricane.  In the region of Pinar del Rio, they say that the devastation is great.  If you’d like to help with the folks there, please let us know.  Also, our Pastor friend whose wife was operated on for cancer had much of their money raised.  If you’d still like to donate to that, their need is in the $300 range.

Also, we are trying to update our records.  The ministry tries to reach out to our partners at least twice a year and we still do not have many of your updated cell phone numbers.  If you could please write them on the remittance envelopes, it would be much appreciated.  

Also, the ministry is in dire need of someone who can do videos.  If you or someone you know would be willing on a voluntary basis or partial/ voluntary basis to do a short, professional video for the ministry or if someone you know would be willing to give us a price on doing a short video, please let us know.  

We have 2 open mission trips coming up and are working on 2 other ones.  

Chile 2023 will be February 17th-24th.  Cost for that trip will be $2,700.  The team will be working in Chiloe which is a small town on the coast south of Santiago de Chile. It is a very poor area.  We will be doing light construction during the days and evangelism during the evenings.  If you are interested, please notify the ministry as soon as possible.  The cut-off date is November 6th when the first meeting is at Christian Assembly Church Fellowship Hall at 1 pm and ½ the money is due.

Ecuador/Amazon Trip 2023 will be June 23rd – July 2nd.  We will be working with Indians that live up and down a tributary of the Amazon River.  We will also spend 2 days apparently deeper in the jungle working with a remoter tribe.  Construction will be during the days and evangelism during the evenings.   Cost for that trip will be $2,700.  If you are interested in possibly attending that trip, please notify the ministry. Cut-off date will be March 12th when ½ the money is due.  Location of the meeting will be determined.  

We are working on a group trip back to Iceland in early June and a Sioux Indian Reservation in August.  More details will be provided later. 

Questions or for more information, please contact the ministry.

Thank-you once again to Cassie Brown for all you did to help push the ministry and gospel to the nations. The ministry will continue with our new assistant, if you need to contact us, please do at this number: 724-793-3376.  

Thanks and many blessings,

Will Bridges

Will Bridges

will bridges missionary signature in yellow