April 2023 Missions Update

Dear Partners / Friends,

Greetings in Jesus’ name!  We trust all is well with you as you carry out the work that God has purposed for you.  

The team to the South saw 4,812 souls make decisions for Christ.  The team is continuing to develop a better, more extensive discipleship program for those that have received Christ.

The Superintendent in the Central region has required that all churches choose at least 1 leader to assist the Pastor in conducting follow-up for the newly saved.  Larger churches will have more than one. Each soul saved will get a knock at the door and invited to attend discipleship seminars / meetings that will be conducted in a designated house within the area.  The discipleship program will last between 6 and 12 weeks depending on the location / distance.  

In the Eastern district, leaders are now training the church leaders to conduct follow-up.  Each leader will be trained for follow-up and how to conduct Discipleship programs and then the ministry will have a team leader that will call / connect with each church leader at least once per month to encourage, answer questions, etc. for those that are leading the discipleship programs.  

Silvio sent a testimony that he went to the house of Yunaika.  She had been having thoughts of suicide for a number of days.  They presented the gospel to her, she received Christ, and after she accepted Christ, she was released from these demonic thoughts. Her daughter confessed at the end of our visit that she was struggling with the same ideas but was set free after she also accepted the Lord.  Today, the husband/father thanks God for the change in his wife / daughter.  

Annia, a church planter of ours received permission from authorities to conduct a crusade on a street in the North of Tunas in the East.  The crusade lasted for 3 days. They were able to ministry to 176 people and 28 of them accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior.  Many others were healed and set free!

Manuel wanted to testify that a few months ago, a man with a high position in a prison had an accident.  Manuel and his team have been ministering to both he and his wife.  Recently, they decided to make a step of faith and receive Christ.  They are planning on attending a church.  Glory to God!

The ministry has 3 open trips this summer to individuals and teams.  We will be in Iceland from June 3rd – 12th.  The team will be doing light construction, evangelism, and possibly medical outreaches.  Another team will be in the Amazon (Ecuador side) from June 23rd – July 2nd.  We will be going down a tributary of the Amazon River and ministering to natives living along the riverbanks.  That team will be doing light construction / evangelism as well. 

Finally, there will be a team in the Sioux Indian Reservation between July 30th and August 6th.  The price of this trip will vary based on whether you are providing your own transportation or the ministry is.

If you would have any interest in getting more info regarding any of those trips, please contact the ministry at:  330-303-7513. 

Thank you for choosing Bridges for Life Ministries as your avenue to take the gospel to the nations.

Thanks and many blessings,

Will Bridges

will bridges missionary signature in yellow