June 2023 Missions Update

Partners & Friends,  

Our team to the south saw 4,791 souls saved.  This was accomplished in the hospitals, prisons, bus stations, streets and door to door.  As they continue with these groups, pray that they would be inclined to join us for discipleship and that the seeds would remain.  

As I am writing this, a team is getting ready to head out to Iceland.  Please pray for safety and productivity, then we’re home 2 weeks and then another group heads to Ecuador to work with Indians living along a river that is a tributary of the Amazon River.  Our contacts have been working with some indigenous, and we will be doing a project for them, but then we head to an area of the river where they have never worked.  Please pray for safety and divine leading as we try and reach them there.

As the team heads into the summer, our homeless ministry will be going to once per month starting in June.  Please contact the ministry if you desire to do a ½ day missions trip with us to work with the homeless for a half day.  It is a great opportunity to get your kids / families involved in serving those in need if you are near the Pittsburgh surrounding area.

The project with our neighbors to the south is going well, we have gotten more disciplers trained and they are serving in both the Eastern Regions and the Central Regions of Cuba.  

Over 70 new converts are now gathering at Ernesto’s church as result of the work of discipleship carried out by the evangelists there. 

Anisley thanks God because Yenia, the wife of the Military chief in her city asked her to explain about God. She was suffering with anxiety and their little girl was sick. She and her husband both got saved and also went to church to present their girl before the Lord. A few days after we prayed, Yenia testified they both were healed. Hallelujah!

Ismael testifies he prayed for Beatriz, who was diagnosed with brain cancer after the doctors saw her MRI. When she went back to a follow-up appointment the doctors were in shock because the cancer was gone. He is our Healer!

In the hospital, a desperate young mother asked Francisco to pray for her baby who was born dead.  He rebuked the spirit of death and the nurse who had the baby screamed to the doctor saying: the baby is breathing! This mother is enjoying her child and is grateful to God for the miracle of life.

Upcoming mission trips will be the Sioux Trip which will be approximately July 30th to August 6th give or take a day.  Cost for the trip flying from Pittsburgh is $2,000; if you are coming from another city or providing your own transportation, cost will be adjusted accordingly based on that. Please contact the ministry if you want to be a blessing there.  

Please pray for us as we head forward into the summer months.  We are also looking at how we might be able to get into the schools in the immediate area.  Please pray for that as well.  

The ministry is in need of a trailer now to haul stuff for our summer mission trips and do other work.  If you have one, would like to donate one, or partially pay for one, please contact the ministry.

Thanks and blessings, 

Will Bridges

will bridges missionary signature in yellow