August 2023 Missions Update

Partners & Friends,

I hope your summer is going well.  We are two mission trips down for the past 2 months and getting ready to start a third.  In between, I got sick, we had a Youth Internship at the local church, and I am also trying to flip a house to help raise funds for missions, etc., have been slightly busy.

However, God is good.

The Amazon trip went amazing.  We flew into Quito and spent the night and then flew the next day to the Amazon.  Once arriving, we drove 3 hours and then got on a motorized canoe and traveled up a tributary of the Amazon and ministered to Indigenous people living along the river banks.  There was a Pastor that was living along the river who had given his life to help that part of an Indian tribe.  Last year, he unfortunately fell ill and died due to cancer.  Our contacts wanted to finish his church and children’s center in the community.  Thankfully, we had a donor donate funds to finish the church last year and then this year we took a team and finished the children’s outreach center.  

I leave tomorrow for the Sioux Missions Trip on the Rosebud Reservation in Rosebud / Mission, South Dakota.  There are currently 21,000 Indians living in and around that reservation.  Please pray for open hearts to our team and to the gospel of Christ.  We have been out there the past 2 years.  We will be working again this year doing light construction, evangelistic work, and also conducting a medical aspect of the trip.  

During the past couple years, we have found that the Sioux still have some hard feelings towards people of European descent; however, the Bible says to go into all the world and preach the gospel, so believe with us for open hearts and minds.

Recently, one of our main donors had informed us that they have had difficulty raising funds as of late, therefore, they would have to cut our monthly support which goes to sponsoring nationals in this closed nation.  We will have to make them part time unless I can make up some of their salaries.  Please let us know if you would like to sponsor evangelists / church planters either full time or part time.  It would be a great blessing to them and us.  

Also, we are believing for a prayer team to be put together.  If you’d be interested in being a part of that or spearheading that, please inform the ministry. 

Thanks and blessings, 

Will Bridges

will bridges missionary signature in yellow