January 2024 Missions Update

Dear Partners and Friends, 

I hope that all is well with you and yours!!!  As we approach 2024, we pray God’s richest blessings on you and all that God has called you to.  

During the Christmas season, it reminds us of all that God has redeemed us from and called us to.  

In 1745, there was a young slave boat captain by the name of John Newton.  He had been delivering slaves to the west for a number of years, when during a short time, he himself became enslaved.  

Soon after, John had an experience with the Lord and he started to denounce the slave trade and became an abolitionist. Later in life, as he fought with William Wilberforce to overthrow slavery, he was inspired to write a song that would become the Christian National Anthem, Amazing Grace.  During that time, he said that he was motivated by 20,000 ghosts to write it.  

In our lives as we were in Christmas, we, like Paul, should feel indebted to both Jew and Greek, slave and free, to live our lives as a living sacrifice for what Jesus has delivered us from.  

Although I feel God had called me to be a missionary, I can certainly relate to both John Newton and Paul, that from the debt that I have been delivered from, I should live the rest of my life to get that life changing message of the mercy of Jesus Christ to the multitudes.  

During this past month, the team saw over 5,400 souls make decisions for Christ.  Glory to God!  But in no way does this quench the desire to get the gospel into the far reaches of the world where the gospel has not been heard.  

We pray God’s richest blessings on you and yours during this holiday season.  But I pray that you would have a life changing experience during this time as well.  That you/we would see our salvation clearer, God’s mercy greater, that we would see our calling in defined terms, and that your/our motivation to work together would be insatiable, that the end product would be a tremendous harvest of souls during the upcoming year and the years to follow as we carry out God’s greatest mission upon the Earth.

God bless you and yours, it is a tremendous privilege to serve with you,

Thanks and God bless,

Will Bridges

will bridges missionary signature in yellow