Dear partners and friends,
Our team saw over 3000 souls saved in June. We would like to share with you some of the testimonies from our evangelists in that closed country to our South. We have changed their names here.
John said he thanks God because he was able to preach and pray in different places. The Holy Spirit brought healing to a deaf young man and he now rejoices with his miracle. During a campaign, he also prayed for another young man that had suffered from cancer for one year but could testify there that he was healed and is now cancer free. God is our healer!!!
Esteban testified he could minister deliverance to a lady who was being tormented by an evil spirit for a long time. You can see her in the picture. God manifests His power through His instruments!
Dave also belongs to our team down there. You will see a picture with his family. He was born on September 14th, 1998, he is 25 years old. Dave was raised in a nonbeliever family but a Catholic mother. He was saved at 15 years old, when a brother from the Methodist church in Matanzas province, began to tell him about Christ. At that time, he was attending the Catholic church but when that brother spoke the Truth to him, his eyes were opened and he asked God to show him where He really wanted him. Through a dream, God revealed to Dave that he had to start visiting the Methodist church; he went there for three years and served as leader of two prayer cells. Then he felt the call of the Lord to the Assembly of God church. He was baptized there, grew spiritually and the Lord started to use him in the evangelistic area. Later on, they named Dave as youth and evangelism leader of the church.

The group visited Mario Muñoz Monroe General Hospital every Sunday afternoon to preach and pray for the sick and many lives accepted Jesus as Savior. He was also in charge of a prayer cell where 19 new converts were reached for the glory of God. Soon after, Dave’s leaders sent him to a mission 10 km away from his town, where he stayed for two years and 32 new people were saved. He was also holding campaigns in several places where God was glorified in miracles, healings and deliverance. He then met his wife Marian García, and got married on December 11, 2020. They moved to Sancti Spíritus province because his wife could not live in his town due to professional reasons (she was finishing her specialty as a pediatrician). In their new church, they led two prayer cells and also belonged to a ministry called Jehovah Jireh doing outreaches to help those in need. They were also named mentors of Free to Love God’s Way, a ministry working with couples. Once again, the Lord showed Dave that he had to move to another Assembly of God church. Currently, he is serving there as an evangelist and also helping the pastor, working with the youth, and visiting and praying for the sick. Dave can only say “Ebenezer, thus far the Lord has helped us” and he will continue telling God: “Here I am, send me”.
Our team is leaving to the Sioux Indian Reservation in South Dakota on August 4th. We will be carrying out children’s outreaches, ministering in a nursing home and also have some light construction projects to do. We will also distribute backpacks and glasses. Please pray for our team for safe travels and that hearts be opened to the saving message of the gospel!
Our Fall Mission Trip will be in the Appalachians, specifically in Gary County, West Virginia. Our dates are October 14th to 20th and the price is $1200, which covers everything except the expenses during the free day. If you can’t go during the weekdays, we have a weekend option available (October 18th to 20th) and the cost is $375. Let us know if you are interested in attending.
Please keep praying and believing for our projects in Cambodia. Our tentative date for the mission trip is the first ten days of March 2025 and the cost is approximately $3500, depending on the flights. More details will be provided later.
Thank you for your support and prayers, we appreciate you!