February 2024 Missions Update

Partners and friends,

Greetings in Jesus’ name!!!  I am going to share this month of one of our church planters in Cuba.  Due to the sensitivity of the nation, I will change his name.  Pedro was born in a town in the Central Region of Cuba in the early 1980’s.  He testifies, “I grew up in a family with a communist mentality and doctrine.  Idolatry was practiced on my mother’s side and from a very young age, I began to practice it as well.  I learned from several branches of them where they made me the director of the spiritual center for this witchcraft.  Then in 2011, I moved to another town where I began to discover another cultish group.  Not long after, I got married but I continued in the ways of witchcraft as well as lived sinfully amongst my community. 

Then, a brother from a local church talked to me about God and I began to question and be distressed regarding the direction that I was taking.  They invited me to a campaign and I accepted Christ and I also received the Baptism in the Holy Ghost that same night. Thank God I received complete deliverance from the lifestyle that I was living. My Pastors began to disciple me and soon, I became a cell group leader and worked as a local evangelist in my area. After some experience and training, I then joined Bridges for Life Ministries which is where I am at now, endeavoring to win many souls to Christ and advance His name throughout our nation.  Thank you for allowing me to represent both you and Bridges for Life Ministries in the nation of Cuba”.


Bridges for Life is redoing its website again.  Thank you to all those who have helped us get it this far and those that are endeavoring to take it further.  Our goal this year is to also promote group mission trips for a group or individuals who have a heart to take the gospel to the nations.  If you attend a church and would be willing to advance our website (promotional) to your Youth Pastor, Lead Pastor, Missions Director, etc., it would be great as we are trying to grow this part of the ministry this year.  

These are the Group Mission Trips we are offering for 2024:

The Appalachians in Southern WV

3 Tentative dates:
June 10th to 16th 
June 17th to 23rd
October 14th to 20th

Cost: $1200 per person.

Cut off dates:
March 1st, 2024 when $600 is due
April 15th, 2024 when $600 is due.

Weekend options available: $375 per person.


Tentative dates:
July 5th to 12th

Cost: $2000

Cut off dates:
March 1st, 2024 when $1000 is due
April 15th, 2024 when $1000 is due.

Sioux Indian Reservation in SD

Tentative dates:
August 4th to 11th

Cost: $2150

Cut off dates:
April 1st, 2024 when $1075 is due
May 15th, 2024 when $1075 is due.

Bridges for Life is also endeavoring to look hard at the idea of launching / growing a similar model to what we are doing now but in South East Asia.  I will be taking a leader with me in Feb/March to meet with leaders in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. We are going to explore that option, please lift this up in prayer as this would be a great opportunity to advance the gospel in these nations.

As a final note, the ministry is also believing God for a pull behind camper trailer for usage that will benefit the ministry.  Believe with us.  If you have one that you’d like to donate or sell at discounted prices, please let me know.

Thanks & Blessings,

Will Bridges

will bridges missionary signature in yellow