February 2025 Missions Update

Partners and Friends,

Thank you once again for all that you do to help advance the Gospel to the nations. The Bible says that one can put 1,000 to flight, but two can put 10,000 to flight. We are ten times stronger when we work together.

As we enter this month, we are preparing to establish ministry in Southeast Asia. Through divine connections, we have been able to establish contact with the General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God in Cambodia.

Last year, we felt God leading us to this region and made an exploratory trip. This February, we will return with a team of five to officially launch this ministry. We have received financial donations to build three churches, each costing $6,700 (including labor). A team of local workers will purchase materials, transport them, and complete the foundational work—pouring the footer and cement floor—before our arrival. Once we are there, we will begin constructing the structures, planning to spend one week at each site.

During our time in Cambodia, each of the three locations will host evangelistic outreaches sponsored by our ministry. Additionally, we will train three individuals in soul-winning and church planting, whom we will then sponsor to continue the work.

Enclosed, you will find a photo of our leadership team in communication with the General Superintendent of Cambodia and his leaders. This picture is significant, as it represents what could be the first steps in a long-term ministry in the region.

Also included is an example of the type of church we are building. As mentioned, the cost to construct one of these churches is approximately $6,700. We are believing God to provide for 15 or more churches in the coming years, along with the ability to sponsor additional church planters. If God places it on your heart to contribute towards building a church—or a portion of one—we will place a commemorative plaque on the wall, dedicating it to the person of your choosing. This plaque will remain for the lifetime of the church.

Additionally, the General Superintendent has requested that we provide $500 per church ($1,500 in total for all three) to build latrines. If you feel led to contribute toward this need, it would be greatly appreciated.

Cambodia is surrounded by several key countries, including four of the five remaining Communist nations in the world. Vietnam and Laos share borders with Cambodia, while China is to the north, and North Korea lies farther northeast. Please pray for divine connections, favor, grace, protection, and provision as we move forward.

In addition, our team in Cuba is in need of cell phones to facilitate their reporting process. They specifically require 4G global unlocked phones (Latin American versions). If you are able to donate four or five of these, please contact our office.

Finally, we want to share a picture of the missionary and the newest future soul-winner!

Each of you plays an invaluable role in helping us spread the Gospel throughout both Cuba and Southeast Asia. Thank you for your heart to serve in this mission. We are all servants, forever indebted to Christ for what He has done for us. Thank you for choosing to serve alongside us!

Will and Cristen Bridges

Picture of Will & Cristen Bridges

Will & Cristen Bridges

Based in West Virginia, are deeply passionate about serving both local communities and nations around the world. Their hearts are dedicated to connecting with people, building meaningful relationships, and making a positive impact wherever they go. They would love to connect and share their vision with those who feel called to join them in their God-ordained mission.

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