January 2023 Missions Update

Partners and Friends,

I hope you had a good Christmas and are enjoying your year-end/beginning festivities.  2022 was a successful year in the ministry as we spent much of the year endeavoring to develop our discipleship / follow-up process.  The team saw many souls saved as well which is always our objective. We saw nearly 40,000 souls make decisions for Christ, we passed our mile marker of seeing a million souls saved, and we saw our 1,000th discipleship group / house church planted (combination of both). Believe with us as we continue to advance his gospel to the nations.  

In the Ukraine, our contact is housing over 50 refugees from the war with Russia and is looking to get monthly support to help feed them.  By the time we send the monthly support for food, the rate exchange, etc., it will be in the $470-$500 per month range if any of you would like to help with that.  We were also able to raise funds to purchase a van to haul supplies back and forth.  We currently have access to purchase protective gear (we’ll call it) so as to give them some protection.  If you want to assist with that, please let us know. Also, she is looking to purchase a tent that they can heat to house them.  The tent is $6,200.   Enclosed is a picture.  If you can help with either, it would be most appreciated.

In February, we are sending a team to Chile to do medical missions work as well as evangelism and construction.  If you would like to attend that trip, please let us know as soon as possible.  Prices for that trip are $2,700.  

Group trips that will be offered in 2023 include: Iceland which is June 3rd – June 12th, Amazon Trip / Ecuador – June 23rd to July 2nd, Sioux Indian Reservation which is July 30th to August 6th, and Appalachian Trip October 2nd to 9th. Each trip has flexibility of 1 day based on the prices of tickets.

If you would like to hear how you can invest into Bridges for Life Ministries by investing into Bridges for Life Ministries Foundation, we have someone who can talk with you.  Your investment can last for many years in advancing the gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations.  Also, if you have a home Bible Study or home group that you would be interested in having a BFL representative share with regarding how they can touch the world, please let us know. 

As we head into 2023, we are praying for God’s best for you and yours as you carry out God’s perfect will in and through your lives.  

God has purposed you for such a time as this.  He has planned victory for you.  Keep him, his plan, his will first, as he has intended great and impactful things for you and yours.

Thanks, and many blessings

Will Bridges

will bridges missionary signature in yellow