Partners / Friends,
Greetings in Jesus’ name! I am pleased to let you know that our medical / construction / evangelism mission trip to Chile was a great success. Thank you to all who donated meds, finances, etc., to help make this a great trip. The team said that they assisted 102 people with our medical clinic. The construction team, and evangelistic outreach teams reached many more. A doctor, a nurse, and a dentist ran the medical aspect of our mission trip. They did an excellent job in ministering to many and helping to meet some physical needs that they had. This opened the door for us to get the gospel in many. Our construction team was able to rebuild some parts of a local church that we were working with as well including some interior and exterior walls. The evangelism team had a good time getting the gospel out through songs, dance and sharing their faith. Enclosed, you will see pictures from the Chile Missions Trip team.

Testimonies from our neighbors to the South are as follows. Silvio wrote that he met a young woman with her daughter that was frequently crying. Her daughter had a lot of pain in her legs and after a fall, she was taken to the doctors where they discovered tumors in her legs. The doctors told her that the only solution was to amputate both legs. They prayed for that girl, and then after a few days, she was taken to the capital city where she was tested. The tests results of her biopsy came back negative as her tumors disappeared. The girl and her mother began attending church soon after. Glory to God!!!
Juliet writes that she held an evangelistic campaign in a place called Delicias. During one day, they preached in the streets and saw 33 people dedicate their lives to Christ. From that, they were able to open a children’s cell group for the glory of God.
Pedro Danilo had an opportunity to be a part of a work project of personal evangelism. From that work, they were able to minister to over 300 people, and as a result, 77 made professions of faith, and 4 were reconciled with the Lord.

Recently, a trip was taken to Cuba. The team there that is evangelizing and planting churches is working with us to develop discipleship teams that function out of every church that is operative in the central and eastern region of Cuba. Money was left for the training and the training process is still underway. With all the saved, we will have over hundreds of more people available to follow up the newly saved.
Upcoming group trips that the ministry is offering are: Iceland in early June, the Amazon in late June, the Sioux Indian Reservation in late July and early August, and an Appalachian Trip during the first week of October. If you have an interest in finding out more about a Bridges for Life Ministries mission trip, please contact the ministry at: 724-793-3376.
The ministry is believing for a camper trailer and also a dump trailer to do construction work. If you have one you’d like to donate, please let the ministry know. We would provide a receipt as a donation for tax purposes.
Thank-you for your support,