May 2024 Missions Update

Partners & Friends,

Greetings! In March, the team saw over 3,700 souls make decisions for Christ with our neighbors to the South.

Enclosed you will see various pictures of Angel, one of our evangelists, who with his team, prepared food (chicken and soup) and conducted an outreach in a couple of neighborhoods.

In these pictures you will see the food, food line, and the people who came to the outreach, received the Word of God, food and Bibles.

The local Pastor and disciplers will be leading follow up with each soul that made a decision for Christ.  Also in one of these neighborhoods, one of the local witch doctors received Jesus in his heart. 

In the pictures as well, you will see team members of Angel on top of one of the highest mountains near the town of Fomento.

Avilio thanks God because he had been ministering to an alcoholic, who had not eaten for days, living in a place with other addicts.  He went to church asking for help, where Avilio was able to assist him and pray for him, and for the glory of God, he has not drunk anymore and is attending Sunday school.  He had not seen his parents for three months due to his condition, but he was now able to go see them and now they all began to visit the church. Hallelujah!

The Sioux Missions trip will be conducted between August 4th and 11th this summer.  If you or your youth group or family would be interested in attending, or getting more information, the cost is $2,150 which includes your airfare, travel, food, and lodging and this also helps with the local outreach.  If you will be driving from another destination, please let us know, as this will alter your price.  

Once again, we thank God for the progress of the ministry in the closed country in our hemisphere; however, we would like to begin to advance the kingdom of God in South East Asia.

Enclosed, you will see a picture of a church that we can build in Cambodia.  The cost for this church building would be in the $5,000 range. We are looking at possibly sending a team there to construct one in the fall to early next year. We are working on going with a missionary from Thailand. We will take a look at dates soon.

We pray God’s richest blessings upon you and yours during these upcoming months.  

Remember, you are an invaluable part of this team taking the gospel to the nations.  Your time, energy, resources, prayers are all appreciated greatly.

Thanks & Blessings,

Will Bridges

will bridges missionary signature in yellow