September 2023 Missions Update

Partners and Friends,  

Greetings in Jesus’ name!!!  A team just returned from the Sioux Indian Reservation in South Dakota.  The Rosebud Indian Reservation is one of 9 reservations in that state, and it has approximately 15,000 Sioux Indians living there. The Rosebud Reservation is made up of very small communities, with the town of Rosebud being at the center.  The communities tend to be in financial need, with most of the Indians living well beneath the poverty line.  Our team worked with an established outreach center in a town called Mission, from where we were able to do both construction projects for some in need as well as evangelistic outreaches in the evenings.  

Enclosed, you will see pictures of a roof that we put on for a family that had it damaged several years ago.  It leaked in many places, so we ‘bravely’ climbed on and built framing and ran a metal roof over what she had.  The roof was squishy and questionable at best, but thankfully we got it done.

Also, electric was run in a house where part of it was without electric since the day they moved in.  We also tarred another man’s roof that was leaking in several spots.  They were also extremely grateful as they had been waiting on the reservation government to act in supplying their needs for them. 

The reservations in the US have their own governments.  Although they are within the USA, they act with a lot more authority than a state government or local government would.  During our time there, Sun Dance was going on so a lot of Sioux returned to the reservation to partake in their week-long event.  They still beat the drum, dance, and chant to the sun, stars, moon and Earth.  Most people on the reservation are still 100 percent Indian in Culture, embracing their past traditions.  

Please continue to pray for those that received Christ, maybe 200, and for the gospel to continue to advance through the outreach center.

We have 2 options open for the upcoming Appalachian trip in October.  There is the week-long option and the weekend option.  Both would be a blessing to the people but also to those that attend.  Costs are as follows:   

The week-long rate is $1,000 and the weekend trip is $350.  The week-long trip will take place during the first week of October (1th to 6th).  The weekend trip will be during that Friday afternoon/evening – Sunday late afternoon.  If you are interested in getting some details, please contact the ministry.  

Please pray for us as we continue to thrust forward.  Believe with us for new and increased partnership as we had just lost ½ the support of one of our greatest donors.  With that being the case, we would have to put 18 evangelists on part-time status to continue.  

Love and blessings,

Will Bridges

will bridges missionary signature in yellow