Greetings Partners & Friends!!

We trust that all is well with you and your family as well as the work that God has called you to.  The temps here are a balmy 90 and sunny, I’ll never complain in July, only January / February :).

The ministry team in a closed nation saw 6,027 souls make decisions for Christ in June, which makes us near 40,000 for the year. Thank-you for all you do to help us to win souls and impact nations for Jesus.

In June, the ministry team also sent 28 people to the Appalachians to continue a building project for a Vietnam Veteran named Donald.  On the last trip, in 2018 the team was able to gut and rebuild both his bathroom and kitchen, pay to have a 1/2 of a roof put on, and conduct other projects and outreaches. Donald needed a bathroom. He hadn’t been able to take a shower in his house in over 3 years.  He had been taking bucket baths.

On this trip in 2019, we were able to gut and rebuild a bedroom, as well as a bathroom, pay to have 2 roofs put on 2 different houses (Donald’s being one), gut and rebuild a bathroom for a family of 5 siblings, and build a large deck for the ministry there.

During the evenings, the mission team conducted outreaches in remote towns throughout McDowell County, WV.  The team saw nearly 100 kids pray the sinner’s prayer.  We pray that as they get older, the Word won’t return void and that they will be able to bring much fruit.

Here are a couple of testimonies from the closed nation:  Virginia said that she recently conducted a meeting where great healings began to take place.  She said that people were healed of lung disease, ovary fibroma, and the Lord restored the vision of a woman as well.  She said that many accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Angel said, he had recently conducted a crusade in a city in this closed nation and the result was that 200 souls came to Christ.  Praise the Lord!

Thank you again for your prayers and support.  Please continue to believe with us for God’s work to increase through the organizing of a foundation that will enable the ministry to grow, plant churches and win souls around the world for years/decades to come.

Please pray with us for a successful trip to Nicaragua as we depart soon.


Thx/God bless,

Will & Cristen Bridges


