August 2020 Newsletter

Greetings partners and friends!!

So the team started to work again in the middle of June and from that time, they saw 3,450 souls make a decision for Christ. It is good to report souls getting saved again as the team is now permitted out of their houses. Even though they have entered into phase two in this closed country, visitors still cannot visit until phase 3 goes into place, which might be a while. Also, the team is still not permitted to visit hospitals, prisons, jails, and other institutions. However, they are slowly returning back to normal. Here are a couple of their testimonies from late June.

Edguar said, “I thank God because while I was evangelizing on this one street, I applied the method of evangelism in 5 minutes; we were able to reach 37 people among children and youth. Among those people, there was a young boy who was a Rastafarian. He used to smoke, consume drugs, and was an idolater, but God touched his heart in a very special way. Consequently, he has experienced a change in his behavior and we began to disciple him. Hallelujah!”

Mirtha said, “I thank God for the work He allowed us to make despite the limitations we have had from the pandemic. In one day, we were able to evangelize some territories of the city for discipleship. A total of 8 people were reached for Christ and we are working on discipling them all.”

Please pray for them as they have been hit much harder than the U.S. has. Even though they have not had the number of people to get COVID that the U.S. has had, the impact of shutting down a developing country is devastating as the food supply, fuel, etc. quickly runs out. Many are now waiting in lines for 5 or 6 hours just to get a ticket to then return the next day to wait in line for a similar amount of time to purchase a little bread, or oil, or whatever. Then they have to go to the next store and do the same. Plus, they are having to work on top of that. I will include some pictures of some of the evangelists out soul winning again in various places just to give you an idea of what it looks like.

Please pray for them as they head forward during this crisis. Also, please pray for the upcoming mission trips to the Appalachians. We cut the team back to less than 10 to do a few important jobs. Please pray for efficient work and success as we head to the southernmost tip of West Virginia.

Thank you for your continued support of the ministry during these times as well as prayer. The newsletter was delayed in June for 2 weeks due to COVID at the church where we are based and therefore, people’s support had been down. If you did not give in June and would like to make it up in July , it would be most appreciated as those funds go to support 70 families including my own. 😀

May God richly bless you and yours as you carry out God’s perfect will in and through your lives.
